Established in 2023 as a community for the cheese-obsessed, cheeseaholics anonymous aims to be a treasure trove of information for cheese lovers around the world.

If you spend more time than the average person eating, making, or simply thinking about cheese, you’ll feel right at home here amongst like-minded individuals.

So, who am I and why did I start this blog?

Given that my first solid food as a baby was cottage cheese, and it remains my most consumed cheese to this day, my foray into the world of cheese was perhaps inevitable. I’m an amateur cheese maker and passionate cheese consumer. Throughout my cheesemaking journey I have made many mistakes, had some epic fails, but gained a lot of knowledge along the way. The genesis of this site was to act as a resource to collate what I have learned and share that information with others.

I hope you find this site a useful resource. Welcome my cheese-loving friends.